A disheartening theme in many discussions about the societal implications of aging is that older populations are costly, less productive, and prone to economic stagnation or decline. In truth, older people make substantial and ever-increasing contributions to economic activity in North America through their labour, consumption spending, tax contributions, and non-market activities (e.g., volunteering and caregiving). Unfortunately, even as this group’s economic role grows, barriers such as age discrimination and poor health limit their economic potential and lower overall societal welfare.
How can we better appreciate and leverage the economic contributions of older people? How can we address the barriers of inequity that inhibit people from living longer, healthier and more productive lives? What can be done to help older workers navigate unprecedented labour market conditions? Do we need to rethink how we support and value caring across the life course?
On June 22, 2022, AARP and the ILC-UK hosted a series of panel discussions on how governments and businesses can better support the Longevity Economy and capture the dividend that it offers.